The bugle is commonly associated with CALLS FOR ACTION.
In early history, smoke, drums, and animal horns were used to communicate at long distances. The bugle emerged as the ultimate instrument for mass communication signals due to its ease of use and power of sound.
The bugle is the most INCLUSIVE INSTRUMENT because it is inexpensive, lightweight, and there are no valves (easier for people with disabilities to play to its full potential).
Bugle Calls:
“Taps” is sounded at dusk, flag ceremonies and at funerals to show honor.
“Reveille” is a call to wake up.
“Assembly" is a call to assemble at a designated place.
“Call to Post” (aka “First Call”) is sounded at horse racing events.
“Calvary Call” is sounded at events where everyone joins in yelling “charge!”
Bugle is empowering people to make calls to action, to wake up, assemble, charge forward, honor, discuss, debate, sing, dance, or whatever purpose they choose.
What will your calls be for?